What is an IFA?
An Independent Financial Adviser (IFA), is exactly what it claims to be, a source of completely independent financial help.
You can use an IFA in many ways and not just for one-off financial aid. You can always get advice from your bank or stockbroker but be wary that they will only give advice relating to the investments that they offer. Since the advice they give will have a certain amount of bias, you may find that it is not suitable for your particular financial requirements.
An IFA works independently of any bank of or building society and thus has free reign to examine all financial markets and options that are available to you. Depending on what kind of advice you desire an IFA can offer much more in the way of assistance, be it for a single investment recommendation or as a long-term financial confidante.
To help you learn more we have produced articles on the Types of Financial Adviser and on How to Choose an IFA.