The pursuit of happiness is probably the driving force behind people’s lives, and the decisions we make. Be it in our personal lives, or our working lives, ultimately everything we do comes down to wanting to be happy, and living with a high quality of life.
This improved quality of life is one of the main reasons more and more Britons are choosing to leave the country and begin a new life abroad, be it to work or to settle into retirement. In other countries skilled expat workers can often command a much higher salary than they would get back home, and they may also enjoy increased scope for career progression.
There’s no escaping the fact that England is a very expensive place to live too, and coupled with the new changes the Coalition Government has made, purse strings will no-doubt be tighter than ever. Many foreign countries are much cheaper to live in, yet still maintain a high standard of living for their denizens, another reason why expats are often happier than they would have been back home.
There’s no shame in being dissatisfied with life, if you think that you could be happier, and are looking for ways to achieve this goal, then perhaps starting anew abroad could be a viable option. Here are some more reasons for you to embrace the expat life.
Firstly, a survey conducted by UKForex, celled ‘The Happiness Index’, found that 80 percent of the expats quizzed were happier with every aspect of their life than they were previously.
Another important, and often overlooked fact, is the all too real affect of SAD- seasonal affective disorder. England is known for its long, gloomy winters and many people don’t actually realise the affect this can have on their mindset. By moving to a country with a sunnier, and warmer, climate you’ll be able to escape winter depression and enjoy the pleasant affects of nice weather all year long.
Another reason you may feel happier in your new country is the sense of adventure and fulfilment you'll get from facing the challenge of living and working in a new place. The excitement of settling into your new home will bring an air of positivity into your life.
There are also a number of health benefits you may experience by moving abroad to a foreign country. For instance, prolonged exposure to sunshine increases the body’s supplies of vitamin D, and vitamin D is vital for calcium levels, ensuring healthy teeth and healthy bones.
Working abroad can also be more relaxing than working in England. We Brits are used to a hectic, demanding way of life, but that is isn’t always the case in other countries. Different places conduct different business in different ways, and you may find that your new place of work has a more relaxing environment to what you were used to back home.
If you’re interested in moving abroad, and want to find out more about destinations that are popular with British expats, please take a look at our detailed city guides, where you can find out all you’ll need to know about your chosen, or potential, destination.