Canada expat recruitment steps up a gear



The Canadian government is continuing its drive to recruit more expats into the country.

Canada is currently experiencing a shortage of highly skilled workers in certain sectors, and the only way to fill this gap is by luring in more skilled expats. Different parts of Canada are affected in differing numbers, and as such they often have different recruitment methods.

Nova Scotia in Canada is an area that is investing $790,000 into a scheme to draw in more skilled foreign workers, dubbed the ‘Welcome Home to Nova Scotia’ scheme, which they hope will attract 7,200 new expats in each year.

Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter said of the scheme: “Welcome Home to Nova Scotia is the province’s most ambitious and focused immigration plan ever and one of the most comprehensive strategies in the country. It will compliment jobs here by targeting international workers with the technical skills and international contacts the province needs to become more innovative, productive and competitive. It will ensure potential immigrants understand they are welcome and valued in Nova Scotia and that this province wants them to stay and build a life here.”

The scheme itself will create a better infrastructure for expats in Nova Scotia as the government will work in tandem with companies, employers and the local community. The scheme also intends to send more information overseas to create awareness in the homelands of potential expats.

There will also be more protection practices put in place to ensure the expats settle in to Nova Scotia appropriately.